‘The regeneration game', an interesting article by Jancis Robinson in the Financial Times

Jancis Robinson, considered the world's most influential wine critic, published on March 11 an interesting article on regenerative viticulture in the British newspaper Financial Times under the title 'The regeneration game'. An extended version, entitled 'Farm like there's no tomorrow', can be read for free on her website. Here is the link: Farm like there's no tomorrow | JancisRobinson.com

Jancis talks about her experiences and knowledge of regenerative viticulture and mentions several winemakers, including Miguel Torres, as president of the association that has promoted the new international certification Regenerative Viticulture Alliance (RVA).

We also recommend reading the articles that participated in her Wine Writing Competition 2022, dedicated to regenerative viticulture, which you will find on her website.

We highlight the wineries and wines that already have the new international certification for regenerative viticulture

In the RVA certification section of the website, a space has been set up in which the wines and wineries that have the Regenerative Viticulture Alliance (RVA) badge are highlighted.

Familia Torres' regenerative viticulture project, one of the 10+10 Business Examples #PorElClima

The winery has been awarded for its agricultural plan to convert its organic vineyards to regenerative viticulture.

The first wines with the 'Regenerative Viticulture Alliance' certification at Fruit Attraction 2024

The fair, the global epicenter of the fruit and vegetable business, hosts its presentation by ECOCERT

Seven wineries in four countries already have the new international certification for regenerative viticulture

Wines with the Regenerative Viticulture Alliance label come from regenerative vineyards and therefore contribute to curbing global warming