Save the date: May 16, 3rd Regenerative Viticulture Conference

Soil microbiology: key for resilient viticulture' is the title of the conference we will hold at Castell de Falset, in Priorat, which will bring together national and international experts to explain what soil microbiology consists of and how it works, as well as why it can help vineyards to cope with the climate threat. 

We will feature Dr. Elaine Ingham, microbiologist and founder of the Soil Web Food School, considered one of the world’s most important soil biologists; Lydia & Claude Bourguignon, soil microbiologists and founders of the Soil Microbiological Analysis Laboratory (Laboratoire d’analyse microbiologique des sols – LAMS); and Jeff Lowenfels, author of the award-winning Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, among numerous other books on gardening and botany.  

Dr. Rosa Vercher, expert in pest ecology and biological control and and leader in sustainable pest management research; Nicole Masters, an agroecologist, director of Integrity Soils and trainer in regenerative agriculture; and Jordi Puig, a Doctor of Environmental Sciences who specializes in climate change and global environmental change, who will also share their knowledge with us. Francesc Font, vice-president of the Regenerative Viticulture Association and co-founder of Agroassessor Consultors Tècnics, will present the international certification Viticulture Regenerative Alliance (RVA), recently promoted by the association in collaboration with Ecocert.

Miguel Torres will be in charge of welcoming the attendees as president of the association. We will also have the institutional participation of Carlos Brull, the mayor of Falset, and Elisenda Guillaumes, the Director-General of Agriculture and Livestock Farming of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia

You can see the program here. Those interested in attending in person should send an email to to book their place. The conference will be streamed on this website.

3rd Regenerative Viticulture Conference launch

We highlight the wineries and wines that already have the new international certification for regenerative viticulture

In the RVA certification section of the website, a space has been set up in which the wines and wineries that have the Regenerative Viticulture Alliance (RVA) badge are highlighted.

Familia Torres' regenerative viticulture project, one of the 10+10 Business Examples #PorElClima

The winery has been awarded for its agricultural plan to convert its organic vineyards to regenerative viticulture.

The first wines with the 'Regenerative Viticulture Alliance' certification at Fruit Attraction 2024

The fair, the global epicenter of the fruit and vegetable business, hosts its presentation by ECOCERT

Seven wineries in four countries already have the new international certification for regenerative viticulture

Wines with the Regenerative Viticulture Alliance label come from regenerative vineyards and therefore contribute to curbing global warming